The Pond Building in South Reston was built in the 1980s on top of its namesake body of water. Before development, the plot of land surrounding Roland Clarke Place was empty save for a ’70s-era office building that was home to the American Press Institute for years, and one of the transcontinental pipeline easements that run through Reston. Three neighboring midrise office buildings were built on the street around the same time.
Due to the location of the pipeline, the professional building is built partially on top of the water, with the nearby land usable only for surface parking. This has likely been helpful in saving the building from redevelopment; three of the other four buildings on the block have recently been demolished to make room for townhomes, condos, and apartments, but the Pond Building cannot really be replaced without removing the stormwater drainage pond.
Townhome and condo community Sunrise Square delivered in 2019 and recently sold out. Valley & Park is mid-delivery with a dozen sold homes under construction and another dozen or so to come in the next twelve months. Apartment community Sorrento is scheduled to open sometime in 2021. The only other remaining office building remains standing but has been rezoned for future urban mixed-use development.